Care Tips for Alzheimer’s: How De-stressing Helps

If you are responsible for caring for someone that has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, you likely have a large number of questions regarding their care and what you can do to ensure their well-being. It is completely normal to feel apprehensive, lose and even in denial about their situation. Some of the questions that you are likely experiencing include:

  • Will they remember you?
  • What is going to happen?
  • Are they aware of what is going on with them?
  •  What level of care will they need?


It is crucial that you lower your stress well by understanding some of the facts about Alzheimer’s disease. First of all, you are not alone. There are millions of caregivers all over the country that are caring for a loved one with this disease. There are a large number of support groups where you can find the answers to the questions that you have.Comfort Keepers Santa Clarita In Home Care


At some point, you may require the services of Comfort Keeper’s in Santa Clarita to provide your loved one with professional in home care. The fact is that taking care of a person with Alzheimer’s alone can be extremely overwhelming – but there is hope and you do not have to do it all alone.


Tips to help you manage your stress level include:

  • Use the resources that are available in your area.
  • Ask for help- if your family is unable to help, call Comfort Keeper’s for professional In-Home Care services your loved one.
  • Use relaxation techniques, such as meditation to help you relax.
  • Engage in some type of physical activity each day.
  • Make sure that you schedule time for yourself often.
  • Gather information and become as educated as possible on the disease.


With this information you can provide superior care for your loved one, while ensuring that your stress levels do not become overwhelming.

Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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