Improving Life After a Stroke

A stroke often occurs without much warning and can bring about devastating physical and cognitive changes. A once vibrant person may suddenly experience blindness, paralysis, speech impairment and memory loss. Not only is this traumatic for the sufferer but the friends and family around them will often feel completely helpless as medication, physical therapy and time do what they can to improve the after effects of stroke.In Home Care for Seniors with Dementia

Simply sitting back and waiting for various therapies can be torturous and for many years it was generally believed that this was all loved ones could really do. However, new studies have found that having family members to help with therapy will not only enable a patient to heal faster and better but also reduces the stress on caregivers who no longer feel as though they can do anything to improve the situation.

While joining in on rehabilitation exercises at a hospital or center is one of the easiest and most effective ways to help your loved one, there are other things you can do to contribute to recovery and quell feelings of powerlessness. These things include:

  • Memory Reminders: One common post-stroke issue is memory loss either with long or short term memory depending on which side of the brain the stroke occurred on. Practice patience as your loved one struggles to regain function and help them by organizing visual reminders like an event calendar for important dates and a notebook with names, numbers and unique reminders for things such as if someone is pregnant, just got a new job or anything else relevant.
  • Exercise: If your loved one doesn’t spend time in a rehabilitation center then at home exercises may be the prescribed action. Encouraging this activity and participating will help keep the patient on track and foster a sense of community and support.
  • Socialize: Keep your stroke patient involved and active whenever possible. Depression is common after a stroke and taking part in social activities can help ease this.

In-home caregivers can be extremely beneficial to stroke patients and their Families. Hiring a trusted caregiver from Comfort Keepers of Santa Clarita will help in recovery and let you be at ease with the knowledge that you are leaving your loved one in capable and compassionate hands. Visit our website today to learn more about what we can do for post-stroke care.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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