The Effect of Self-Esteem on Senior’s Health


According to a recent study, a senior with a high level of overall self-esteem may have better health. The study that resulted in these conclusions included 147 participants that were all 60 years or older. They were studied for a period of four years and checked for cortisol, the body’s stress hormone, symptoms related to depression and their overall degree of self-esteem every two years. The level of self-esteem was determined through the senior’s answers to questions including whether or not they felt worthless.alzheimers


The study that was completed also considered the overall personal health and factors including economic situation, death risk and if they were single or married. The findings of the study showed that when self-esteem was maintained or improved, it could help in the prevention of a number of health issues that are typically related with aging. The study was conducted by a team from Concordia University, which is located in Montreal.


If self-esteem of a person was reduced, they would experience an improvement in their cortisol levels. The link that was found between cortisol levels and self-esteem were exceptionally strong in those that had a prior history of depression or stress.


Since self-esteem has been directly related to the physical health and psychological wellness of a senior, raising a person’s self-esteem is the perfect way to reduce health issues as a person ages. Increasing self-esteem will provide real, measurable health benefits for any senior, with the ideal solution being to prevent a decline of self-esteem completely.


The professional at Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita understand the importance of helping to keep senior’s self-esteem high. They will work with seniors and family members on ways to help seniors have a high level of self-esteem in order to prevent further health complications and risks later in life. This will include talking with the senior, including them in decisions and giving them daily tasks that will provide a sense of accomplishment.


If you have a loved one that could benefit from the services of Comfort Keepers in home care in Santa Clarita, contact us today for more information.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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