Services and Ideas Available to Every At-Home Senior Caregiver

happy senior woman and caregiverAs an in-home senior caregiver, most people will discover their days are filled with a huge variety of tasks and responsibilities. People are frequently called on to do work they are unfamiliar with and sometimes do not feel qualified to handle. It is a physically exhausting, time consuming position that can lead many to feel as if they are not doing as well as they should. There is no way to entirely eliminate the stress or worry of being a caregiver, but there are many tips that can make daily life a little easier.

Stay Fully Informed

Many elderly individuals forget, and some ignore, the instructions they are given by their doctor. By hearing first-hand about their medication needs, warning signs to watch for and what their level of activity and proper diet should be, potential problems can be avoided. Contact their doctor to arrange for a consultation or attend all of the doctor appointments with them.

Become Confident and Organized

CPR and first aid classes help people to feel more competent in emergency situations. Learn how to operate any medical equipment that is in the home. Always have emergency phone numbers, as well as the numbers for the pharmacy, doctor’s office and the neighbors somewhere easy to find. Establish a set routine that makes it easy to remember when medication is needed and to provide them with regular meal and bed times.

Accept Offers for Help

If help from other family members or neighbors is offered, the caregiver should always accept it. Allowing others to occasionally rake the yard, pick up groceries or help with housework can leave time for more important tasks that would otherwise be rushed. Trying to do everything alone is how many people become overwhelmed and feel like they are failing.

Find Free Resources

Look for local senior groups, state-run programs and charities that offer senior services. There are often many that assist with providing transportation to doctor appointments, schedule events and activities for seniors and offer educational programs for the caregivers.

Seek Emotional Support

The emotional strain of providing home care to someone in failing health, along with the physical effort it takes to care for them, can lead to caregiver burnout. Attending a support group for caregivers or speaking to a therapist can prevent feelings of isolation, guilt and depression. Support groups also offer the opportunity to discover additional local resources and helpful tips. Even online support groups can be a source of comfort and reassurance.

Consider Respite Care

Being a Santa Clarita caregiver is too much responsibility to do every single day. Respite services were designed to give family caregivers a break. With companies like Comfort Keepers Santa Clarita, families are able to know their loved one is safe, even when the primary caregiver is on vacation or just taking a night off. Respite workers are professionals that are screened carefully and guaranteed to have the skills and compassion needed to keep their elderly clients happy and secure.

Reduced rates of depression, fewer hospital stays and faster recovery periods following illnesses and surgeries have been attributed to elderly patients being in their own home rather than in a nursing facility. Family members that perform elder home care can help reduce the medical expenses for the senior and make it easier for family to spend more time with their loved one. However, the health of the caregiver matters too, and studies have shown that regular time off allows people to be able to relax and manage their own lives better. This results in them being able to be more patient and relaxed and provide good quality care to their loved ones.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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