Time Off From Caring for a Loved One

Providing senior care for an elderly loved one can cause serious physical, mental and financial distress. Caregivers often find their own jobs, health and personal relationships being strained as they try to keep up with the increasing demands of an aging person in their care.  This, inevitably, starts to take a major toll on the caregiver who often feels guilty for wanting time for themselves. However, if you don’t take a break regularly you will become completely burned out and possibly unable to be a caregiver at all, making time for yourself a necessity not a luxury.Senior Safety in Santa Clarita

What is Caregiver Burnout?

Caregivers often give up things they love in order to take care of someone else which can cause severe mental changes including depression, anxiety, irritability and loss of interest. A person will become unconcerned and begin to withdraw from life as they sometimes feel their own best years are slipping away. Physical health will also take a hit as sleep becomes harder to come by and regular doctor’s appointments aren’t kept.  A person may even begin to feel destructive towards themselves or the person they are caring for. All of this comes about as a result of caregivers taking on too much and putting unrealistic demands on themselves. Often, too, it is difficult for a caregiver to admit they need help and others around them might not offer on their own.

How can you take a break as a caregiver?

Because it is so hard to recover from complete burnout, it is important to take preventative measures such as these:

  • Talk to Someone: Letting out some of your frustration to someone you trust and/or a professional can be a huge stress reliever and voicing your concerns can make them feel more manageable.
  • Be Realistic: Do what you need to do but accept your limitations and ask for help when needed. Also, be realistic about your loved one’s health.
  • Take Time for Yourself: Take a half hour or hour a day to just do something you love and you will be able to provide better care when you care for yourself.

One of the best ways to prevent burnout is to get help. Hiring a professional senior care specialist from Santa Clarita Comfort Keepers can take the burden off of you and get your senior loved one quality care in the comfort of their home. Visit our website today to find out about our home care services and we can customize a plan for you with only a few hours a week or around the clock care.


Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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