Warning Signs that Your Aging Parent Needs Assistance at Home


With Thanksgiving approaching, families in Santa Clarita get together and catch up and enjoy quality time together. However, this is also a time that as an adult child that you notice classic warning signs that your parent may need some help at home. For example, is your mom, who has always been meticulous about her appearance wearing wrinkled clothes and has unkempt hair? Does your dad have piles of mail, unopened? These are classic warning signs that it may be time to consider Comfort Keepers of Santa Clarita for in home assistance, especially if you do not live nearby.In Home Senior Care


The fact is that the burden to ensure aging family is safe and properly taken care of usually falls on adult children or other family members. Just because they need assistance with day to day tasks, it does not mean that they have to go into a nursing home or assisted living facility; however, they may need a little extra help in their home.

Since it will likely fall on you to determine if  in home care is needed, you should know some of the signs to be aware of, which include:


·         Old or spoiled food in cabinets or refrigerator;

·         Missing appointments;

·         Bruising that is unexplained;

·         Difficulties raising into a standing position when seated;

·         Problems with mobility, balance and walking;

·         Confusion or uncertainty when performing tasks that should be familiar;

·         Dirty house;

·         Unopened mail;

·         Bad diet or significant weight loss;

·         Mood changes.


Comfort Keepers of Santa Clarita can help you obtain the in-home care that your family member needs over the holidays and all year long. The staff is trained and professional, able to help with day to day tasks, ensuring they take proper medication and go to doctor’s appointments and many other tasks. If you need these services for your elderly loved one, call Comfort Keepers Santa Clarita today.

Comfort Keepers
23900 Lyons Avenue
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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